Xmas Hidden Objects

Xmas Hidden Objects


Did you know that you can enjoy the thrill and excitement of a classic game from the comfort of your home or office? Welcome to the exhilarating universe of online pinball, a nostalgic game that's been redesigned for the digital age. Online pinball gets your adrenaline pumping just like traditional pinball. However, instead of searching for hidden objects in a picture, your aim here is to prevent the marble from falling off the board, which embodies the screen.

Don't stop at delightful memories of your childhood years when you used to spend your days at the local gaming arcade. Online pinball takes you back to those times, but adds a modern twist by bringing it all to your computer screen. As your fingers navigate the keyboard, the responsive controls will have you feeling as though you're standing in front of a real pinball machine.

Think of online pinball as a 'point and click' game with a twist. Just don't let the ease of handling the flippers fool you into thinking the game is easy, especially not when the clock is ticking. You'll need to find the right balance between speed and precision, just as in the classic hidden object games. Remember, the faster you get your pinball to strike the bonus points, the higher you will score, but be careful not to lose your pinball down the drain. It all comes down to your quick-thinking skill and your reaction time to move the flippers correctly.

Online pinball game may vary in terms of visual themes and sound effects, but the core playing mechanics remain the same. It's all about keeping the game alive, reaching for those high scores, and completing the levels before the time runs out. The digital interface brings in exciting visual effects and sounds which have the potential to make the game play more engaging and absorbing than classic hidden object games.

In a nutshell, online pinball is all about strategy, timing, and sharp reflexes. While it may not involve finding hidden objects in a picture, it does share some of the same gameplay elements - focusing on details, beating the clock for bonus points, and the joy of progressing to the next level. Online pinball is an exciting world, full of vibrant colours, thrilling experiences, and lightning-fast marbles. And just like hidden object games, it's sure to keep you hooked from the first flip of the pinball to the final buzzer. So why wait? Dive into the thrilling world of online pinball today.


Use mouse or touch pad to play this game.

What are Browser Games

A browser game or a "flash game" is a video game that is played via the internet using a web browser. They are mostly free-to-play and can be single-player or multiplayer.

Some browser games are also available as mobile apps, PC games, or on consoles. For users, the advantage of the browser version is not having to install the game; the browser automatically downloads the necessary content from the game's website. However, the browser version may have fewer features or inferior graphics compared to the others, which are usually native apps.

The front end of a browser game is what runs in the user's browser. It is implemented with the standard web technologies of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WebAssembly. In addition, WebGL enables more sophisticated graphics. On the back end, numerous server technologies can be used.

In the past, many games were created with Adobe Flash, but they can no longer be played in the major browsers, such as Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox due to Adobe Flash being shut down on December 31, 2020. Thousands of these games have been preserved by the Flashpoint project.

When the Internet first became widely available and initial web browsers with basic HTML support were released, the earliest browser games were similar to text-based Multi-User Dungeons (MUDs), minimizing interactions to what implemented through simple browser controls but supporting online interactions with other players through a basic client–server model.[6] One of the first known examples of a browser game was Earth 2025, first released in 1995. It featured only text but allowed players to interact and form alliances with other players of the game.